1. “Who then is invincible? The one who cannot be disturbed by anything outside their reasoned choice.”

  2. If you find yourself in a state of panic or rage, simply ask yourself: “Is this improving my well-being? Is it alleviating any of the symptoms I wish to be rid of?”

  3. Practice being impartial towards things. Cultivate the ability to have no thoughts or opinions about something—pretend as if it never happened.

  4. Recognize that yearning for more, better, or someday in the future, and acknowledge it as the enemy of your contentment. Choose between it and your happiness, as Epictetus states, for they are incompatible.

  5. “To desire nothing makes one invincible—because nothing lies outside of your control.”

  6. Circumstances are indifferent to your feelings, anxiety, or excitement. They do not care about your reaction. They are not sentient beings.

  7. We should savor this brief time we have on earth instead of being enslaved by emotions that make us miserable and dissatisfied.

  8. Remember that the principles and goals of our training remain unaffected by the turbulence of the moment. Pause. Regain your composure. It patiently awaits your return.

  9. Empty your cup before filling it with more water. Clear your mind before seeking wisdom. Let go of pleasures before pursuing new ones. Ask yourself, “Do I truly need this? Do I really require this new item?” Clear your mind, declutter your schedule, and say no to things that do not matter.

  10. Regarding possessions, inquire: Do I need this? Is it unnecessary? What is its true value? What is it costing me? Nothing comes without a price.

  11. Avoid boasting and constructing narratives about yourself. Speak only when necessary. Listen and connect with others instead of performing for them.

  12. “Slavery resides under marble and gold.” Too many accomplished individuals are prisoners within the confines they have created for themselves. Is that what you desire? Is that what your hard work is leading towards?

  13. “Today I escaped from the crush of circumstances, or better put, I threw them out, for the crush wasn’t external but a result of my own assumptions.” — Marcus Aurelius

  14. Remember, every individual possesses a choice. You are always the one in control.

  15. You are the product of your training.

  16. Your mind undergoes changes based on the thoughts and beliefs that shape it, similar to how sitting at a desk for a living alters your posture or wearing tight shoes causes your feet to adapt.

  17. On testing our impressions: “From the very beginning, make it a habit to say to every harsh impression, ‘You are merely an impression and not what you appear to be.’ Then, examine and evaluate it based on the principles you possess, with the first and most important being whether it belongs to things within our control or beyond our control. If it belongs to the latter, be prepared to respond, ‘It is of no concern to me.’” — Epictetus, The Enchiridion

  18. Judgments stem from our attachment to opinions. To experience less distress and anger, how about we eliminate opinions from our lives and perceive things as they truly are?

  19. Always pay attention to and reflect upon your range of impulses. What triggers them? What causes them?

  20. Do the events that occur to me benefit or harm me? It all depends, as the Stoics assert, on my values. They would further remind me that my values are entirely under my control. Therefore, if something external harms me, it is my own fault—I should have adopted different values.